A Vision for a Literate, Cohesive, Democratic Society

The over-reaching goal of EYC is to make a significant contribution towards Inclusive and Equitable Quality Education and Training for All.

Elimu Yetu Coalition (EYC) is Kenya’s National Education Coalition, established in 1999 as the National platform for Civil Society Organizations (CSO), Professional groupings, Education and Research institutions and other non-state actors in Kenya’s education sector – to lobby for the implementation of Education for all (EFA) goals as articulated in the Jomtien Declaration in 1990 and the Dakar Framework of Action 2000.

EYC focuses on mobilising and harnessing the collective efforts of all education stakeholders and local communities in Kenya and providing leadership in the on-going efforts to make EFA a reality in Kenya.

More about EYC

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It would be such a great honor if you can sponsor, or host any of our activities and programs.

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We are looking forward to your support in the various campaigns and programs

Your visit and calling upon is highly appreciated.

Call us

+254 20 271 5072
+254 715 242 644 / 0787 146 120


Hill Side Apartments, 2nd Floor,
Ragati Road, off Haile Selassie Avenue




Box 24621 – 00100, GPO, Nairobi, KE
EYC on TwitterEYC on FacebookEYC on Youtube

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