Elimu Yetu Coalition (EYC) is Kenya’s National Education Coalition, established in 1999 as the National platform for Civil Society Organizations (CSO), Professional groupings, Education and Research institutions and other non-state actors in Kenya’s education sector – to lobby for the implementation of Education for all (EFA) goals as articulated in the Jomtien Declaration in 1990 and the Dakar Framework of Action 2000.

The coalition is an ardent campaigner for the right to Education for All (EFA), and it brings together over 140 member organizations. Utilising a rights-based approach (RBA) in its campaign initiatives.

EYC focuses on mobilising and harnessing the collective efforts of all education stakeholders and local communities in Kenya and providing leadership in the on-going efforts to make EFA a reality in Kenya.


A literate, democratic, cohesive and functional society for sustainable development.


To promote the realization of the right to quality basic education and training for all in Kenya.

Over-Reaching Goal

The over-reaching goal of EYC is to make a significant contribution towards Inclusive and Equitable Quality Education and Training for All.
International Organisations
National Organisations
Community Based Organisations
Counties we serve in

Thematic Groups

  • Early Childhood Development Education
  • Child Safety and Protection
  • Quality
  • Access
  • Education Governance Andmanagement
  • Resource Allocation and Accountability
  • Special Needs Education

Campaign Objectives

EYC seeks to achieve the following specific objectives;

  • To influence policy development and implementation through effective advocacy and campaign engagements.
  • To promote learning through the generation of knowledge and information sharing.
  • To be an effective institution with capacity to carry out the coalition’s mandate.
Partner with EYC