Elimu Yetu Coalition (EYC) is implementing a GIZ Generation Digital project; “Understanding School Digital Ecosystem in 10 Counties in Kenya” whose main objective is to establish whether there is sufficient connectivity in schools within the targeted counties to facilitate digital skills and help close education divide. Targeted Counties are: Nyandarua, Makueni, Kitui, Mandera, Busia, Transnzoia, Kericho, Kisii, Nyamira and Taita Taveta. The project aims at laying a foundation for enhanced civil society advocacy work for the inclusive digital transformation of the education sector in Kenya.
EYC conducted a Data Collection Training in the 10 targeted counties for the data collectors and all the parties that were to be involved in the data collection exercise under the GIZ project. The data collection exercise has already been conducted and data on ICT ecosystem was collected in 1000 schools. The data collected was mainly on the following key areas; Gadgets, Teacher’s adoption, Learner’s adoption, Safety and Security, Data Storage.
Currently the analysis of the data collected is ongoing. Understanding school digital ecosystem would be essential not only for the targeted counties but the country as a whole. By doing this, we would understand the gaps that are there in schools on digital skills matters.