In a quiet corner of Nakuru, a revolution is quietly unfolding. Leading this transformation is Cosmas Mutua, who is the director of Restoring Hope Organisation which is a member organization of Elimu Yetu Coalition from Nakuru County Education Network (CEN), that is making a profound impact by advancing the rights of girls who have faced early pregnancy. His work is a testament to the power of compassion, resilience, and an unwavering commitment to gender equality.
Cosmas’ journey began years ago when he first encountered the struggles faced by young girls in his community. These girls, many of whom became pregnant at an early age, often found themselves isolated, stigmatized, and deprived of opportunities that many take for granted. The harsh realities they faced inspired Cosmas to take action.
Under his leadership, Restoring Hope has become a lifeline for these young women. The organization currently supports 350 girls, providing them with the resources, education, and emotional support they need to rebuild their lives. Cosmas understands that early pregnancy can shatter a girl’s dreams, but he firmly believes that with the right support, these young women can rise above their circumstances and create a brighter future.
“Our mission is to ensure that these girls are not defined by their past but are empowered to shape their own futures,” Cosmas explains with conviction. “We want them to know that they still have a chance to achieve their dreams and contribute meaningfully to society.”
Restoring Hope offers a range of programs designed to equip the girls with skills, education, and mentorship. From vocational training to counseling, the organization addresses the girls’ needs holistically, helping them regain their confidence and self-worth. Through partnerships with local schools and community leaders, Restoring Hope also advocates for the girls’ right to continue their education, despite the challenges they have faced.
Cosmas’ work has not gone unnoticed. Recently, he was elected as the chair of the International Sports Alliance (ISA) for Region of East Africa (ROEA), an organization that advances children rights and participation through sports. Girl Child rights is the nucleus of ISA programming not only in East Africa but Globally. This role allows him to further his mission on a global scale, using sports as a platform to promote gender equality and empower young women.
Cosmas’ relentless advocacy for gender equality was also recently acknowledged as a champion for Gender Equality by the Daily Nation Kenya@60 edition dated Friday 9th, June 2023 and titled “Men who proudly stood up for Gender Equality”. The feature praised his commitment to creating a more equitable society, where girls and women are not only protected but are empowered to thrive.
Cosmas’ story is not just one of leadership but of true, impactful change. It’s a reminder that one person, driven by a passion for justice and equality, can indeed restore hope to those who need it most.